Vegan Family Meals Freebie Friday
Posted by Much and House more than 4 months ago

For the latest news and exclusive deals, check out Ann Gentry on Facebook and follow @AnnGentry on Twitter.

Vegan Family Meals Freebie Friday Rules:

1. To enter the sweepstakes, on Friday you must include the hashtag #veganfamilymealsfreebiefriday and @AnnGentry in any Tweet.

2. The contest begins on Friday, May 6, 2011 and runs consecutively each Friday through June 10, 2011. All entries must be posted between 12:01am and 11:45pm on Friday to be eligible.

3. You may Tweet the hashtag as often as you want on Friday. But you may enter the hashtag only once in each Tweet. Repeating the hashtag in a Tweet may disqualify you.

4. One winner will be selected during a random drawing conducted by The winner will be contacted via Twitter.

5. Once notified on Twitter, it is the winner's responsibility to Direct Message or reply to @AnnGentry in order to claim the week's prize. If the winner does not claim the prize within 48 hours, the prize will be awarded to another randomly-selected contestant.

6. No prize substitutions.

7. You must be 18 years old or older to enter and a resident of the USA. Residents of the state of Florida are not eligible to enter; entries from the state of Florida are void.

8. No purchase necessary.

9. Void where prohibited.

10. Click here for the full rules.
(When you click for full rules, you’ll see this:)

Each Friday you can enter to receive a product we love. New products announced every week. Click here to see this week’s find that you could get for FREE.

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Contest Rules


Limitations on Eligibility/Availability of Sweepstakes
This sweepstakes is void where prohibited by applicable law. Must be 18 or older to win. Winners may be required to sign an Affidavit of Eligibility as a condition to the delivery of the applicable prize. Employees

Complete rule »

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